True North Treasure Initiative - Labrador Trough
The goal of the Strategic Partnerships Initiative (SPI) is to support the participation of Indigenous people in key sectors of the Canadian economy, such as agriculture, fishery, forestry, mining and energy. In Quebec, a specific initiative has been developed to encourage Indigenous people to get involved in northern development, particularly in major mining projects in the Labrador Trough. The initiative is called True North Treasure – Labrador Trough.
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Activity components
The True North Treasure Initiative has three specific objectives: to develop Indigenous human capital (labour market), to strengthen Indigenous entrepreneurship and to enhance the value of Indigenous assets. The initiative will rely on the development of partnerships to reach its objectives.
Developing Indigenous human capital
As part of this component, labour profiles will be developed to determine the capacities of target Indigenous communities.
A parallel will be drawn between these profiles and the needs of the mining industry to identify training needed in the communities and maximize job creation for Indigenous people.
Strengthening Indigenous entrepreneurship
The exploitation of natural resources in Northern Quebec generates a goods and services market representing millions of dollars a year. In this context, the supply chains of mining companies will be examined to identify business opportunities for Indigenous people.
To promote the development of Indigenous entrepreneurship, a directory of businesses will also be created and shared with the industry and governments.
Are you Indigenous and a business owner? Sign up for the Indigenous Business Directory!
Enhancing the value of Indigenous assets
Under this component, the acquisition or establishment of businesses that provide goods and services for the mining industry will be encouraged. Consult the various economic development programs that are available:
- Aboriginal Business Development Program (ABDP)
- Lands and Economic Development Services Program
- Community Readiness and Opportunities Planning
- Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program
- Aboriginal Initiatives Fund (AIF II)
- Quebec Economic Development Program (QEDP)
Impact and benefits agreements (IBAs) enable the Indigenous communities to negotiate with mining companies to benefit from mining spinoff. In this context, IBAs will be signed and clauses will be negotiated under these agreements.
Target communities
The Innus, Naskapis and Inuits are being targeted by the True North Treasure Initiative – Labrador Trough because they are close to mining sites. However, other Indigenous communities in Quebec could also benefit from spinoff from mining in the Labrador Trough, such as by obtaining industry or government contracts.
The following organizations are partners of the True North Treasure Initiative – Labrador Trough:
- Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)
- Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED)
- Corporation de développement économique montagnaise (CDEM) (not available in english)
- First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Economic Development Commission (FNQLEDC)
- First Nations Human Resources Development Commission of Quebec (FNHRDCQ)
Indigenous Business Directory
Check out the Indigenous Business Directory produced by the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Economic Development Commission (FNQLEDC) in collaboration with the First Nations of Quebec Business Network (FNQBN) as part of the True North Treasure Initiative.
This directory contains more than 1,100 Indigenous businesses located throughout Quebec working in various sectors of the economy.
Whether you are a major client or a government agency, don't hesitate to visit this directory, which will give you access to a multitude of specialized businesses.
If you are an Indigenous entrepreneur, register to be listed on the directory. By doing so, you will increase your chances of being advised of calls for tenders while enhancing your visibility.