2019-20 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

Indigenous Services Canada's (ISC) Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (DSDS) is currently under review in the context of the Department's evolving transformation. ISC is in the process of transitioning the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) from Health Canada and the education, essential social services, child and family services, housing and infrastructure programs formerly with the now dissolved Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). The 2017–20 DSDS of the former INAC is being used as an interim measure, along with the 2017–20 Health Canada DSDS for indicators that are related to FNIHB. All relevant indicators, targets and actions will be updated in the next iteration of the DSDS, which will be developed based on the new departments, upcoming changes to the Federal Sustainable Development Act, and the 2019–22 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy.

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