First Nations in Manitoba

As of March 2021, there were 164,289 registered First Nation persons in Manitoba. A total of 93,840 persons, or 57.1% of the total population, live on reserve. Manitoba is second to Ontario in total on-reserve population and in total First Nation population.

There are 5 First Nations linguistic groups in Manitoba: Cree, Ojibway, Dakota, Ojibway-Cree and Dene.

There are 7 First Nations treaties in the province. Birdtail Sioux, Sioux Valley, Canupawakpa, Dakota Tipi and Dakota Plains are not signatory to any treaty with Canada.

There are 63 First Nations in Manitoba, including 6 of the 20 largest bands in Canada. Seventeen First Nations are not accessible by an all-weather road. This accounts for approximately half of all First Nations people who live on reserve in Manitoba.

Geographic isolation has segregated First Nation communities in Manitoba socially and economically from mainstream Manitoba. This creates unique challenges in the region regarding economic development and the delivery of services, as First Nation economies historically have been dependent on federal transfers.

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First Nations political organizations in Manitoba

There are 7 First Nations tribal councils in Manitoba:

First Nations in Manitoba are represented by 3 active provincial political organizations divided on a north-south basis:

Related organizations include the Assembly of First Nations and the Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba.

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