Metis Scholar Awards

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Bursary Information

Metis Scholar Awards
 Field of Study:
Applies to all areas of study
 Application Deadline:
May 1st of each year
 Awards Available:
 Other Eligibility Criteria:
Awarded to Métis students entering/continuing in post-secondary programs at Letbridge College. Applicants must have a high school average of a least 66%, (post-secondary applicants minimum 2.3 GPA) and cannot be receiving other MTE. Applicants must submit proof of heritage, a 500 word essay on their experience with the Métis community and explain how the receipt of such an award will further their career goals and/or support the Métis community and provide a reference letter from a Métis community member, an instructor or an employer.
 Web Link:

Contact Information

 Contact Organisation:
Student Awards and Financial Aid - Lethbridge College
3000 College Drive South
 Postal Code:
T1K 1L6

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