John David and Ellen Matheson Allen Endowment Fund

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Bursary Information

John David and Ellen Matheson Allen Endowment Fund
 Field of Study:
Arts; Sciences
Nova Scotia
 Other Eligibility Criteria:
The bursaries are for students in the Arts and Science faculties. In the selection of the recipients of the bursaries, priority is to be given to First Nations, but where no such persons apply, the bursaries are to be given to other applicants as determined by the appropriate office of the University. Students must apply through the Dalhousie General Bursary Application.
 Web Link:

Contact Information

 Contact Organisation:
Registrar's Office - Dalhousie University - 6299 South Street
PO Box 1500 - Room 130, Henry Hicks Academic Admin. Building
Nova Scotia
 Postal Code:
B3H 4R2

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